What makes safety cartoons so efficient?
Well, first of all, safety cartoons take less time and less effort to comprehend than written messages. No matter the age, the education, and the language a person is using, everybody can understand a health and safety cartoon. It’s a way of communicating without words.
Many employers are becoming aware of this and are starting to add cartoons to their messages to illustrate their point and to draw more attention. This is a strategy that’s already widely used by the government and it’s a smart decision as it helps all social groups, as well as immigrants and illiterate people, understand the safety warnings. Safety cartoons can be used together with the written message or without it, but the point is, a cartoon is understood in seconds and most people will probably disregard the written notice. The cartoons are also used to underline a point and they’re being used more and more, especially in school textbooks.
Need help sourcing professional safety cartoons call Richard on +44 1246 209034 or email